Salute to all mothers! Pregnancy is not an easy thing. From the very beginning, mothers are expected to experience and feel all sorts of emotions and obstacles. Morning sickness that could last the whole day, heartburn, fatigue, mood swings, and ever-changing hormones. And truth to be told, no matter how supportive her husband, family, and friends are, no one could actually help. They can comfort the mother-to-be but, carrying and bearing the child is all on hers.

But do you know what’s another challenge? Naming the child. It could take the whole nine months to decide what could be the perfect name that will fit their unborn child. As parents, both the mother and the father have to think twice as hard since this will be the name that their child will carry all his or her life. It needs to be perfect and fitting. Definitely a name no one should ever regret having.
What’s even beautiful in a name is its meaning. What could be behind the name? Where did it come from? What really was going on inside a parent’s mind when deciding on the name of their children?
If you are looking for the perfect name with the perfect meaning for your unbor child, then I am here to help you.
These are the 7 most popular kawaii Japanese names.
Ai or Aiko
If you are familiar with the Japanese language, then at first glance, you would have already known what is the meaning of these particular names. But if not, here goes. Ai means love and Aiko, one of its variations, means little loved one.
From the names alone, don’t you feel the parents’ adoration for their child? Both the mother and the father would look at their child and will be reminded of their love for each other with their little one keeping the family together.
Daichi means “great first son” and I think that is very fitting for all firstborn son. In Japan, per my research, families hold high regard for their firstborn son as he will be the one to carry the family name to the next generation, the first in line to inherit a family business, to give support to his aging parents, and will be responsible for his younger siblings.
So when parents name their first son Daichi, it could mean that from the very beginning, even before the birth of the child, the parents are already looking up and giving their trust to their son.

The name Emiko means “smiling child” and is perfect if you want a name that associates with happiness. In my opinion, naming your child after the word “smile” means that you wish for her eternal happiness and that you hope that she won’t lose her bright smile.

If you are from a religious family, naming your child Ena will be perfect since this name means “gift from God.” If you have been praying and wishing for a baby then it is more than fitting. It is undeniable that every baby in the world is a gift that God has given to every parent and must be treasured. Being named Ena calls for the fact that God has given the parents a very important mission to protect and raise the gift He has given them.
During the mother’s pregnancy, if she has taken a liking to looking or to growing flowers and gardening, I highly suggest naming the baby the beautiful name of Hana, meaning flower. By default, flowers are supposed to be taken care of, correct? A baby named Hana will surely receive all the care and all the love of her parents. Just like how they would take care of flowers, then they will do the same with their little one.
This is probably one of the most common Japanese names out there but for me, I don’t really blame the parents for naming their child with this beautiful name that means “cherry blossoms.” If you have ever seen cherry blossoms in full bloom, you would know how beautiful and how charming those trees are during the spring.
The baby named after the very famous cherry blossoms would surely grow beautifully and charmingly like the trees of Sakura.
The son named Ryuji will surely grow strong, with his name meaning “dragon man.” If the parents were to name their son Ryuji, it could mean that they hope that he will grow into a strong, fine man that will use his assertance to protect the people around him.
But don’t let a blog post stop you from what you want to name your child. Above everything else, a name should never top the love and care that you have for them.