Anime online communities has been around for the longest time. Those are the places where anime lovers gather and exchange inputs about their personal favorites. And some of them have established their names online for lots of years. These online communities are perfect for you to explore if you're new to the fandom, so you can have an idea which anime or manga you'd like to start with, genre by genre.
There are different types of online communities out there, most of them have the same concept and use.
There are discussion forums, where you can freely talk about anime, manga, or even video game related topic by category. There's also a website which acts like a social media platform so you can go ahead and meet friends online with the same interests, because let's face it, one of the best kind of friends are the ones that you can really have something in common with, even if you are only bonded through the internet. There are also communities which can act as a list of everything and even stream complete episodes for you, you can also keep track of your progress if you're a member for such web sites, which is cool.
Sometimes, it's hard to keep track of every anime you watch or manga you read specially when there's just too many that you want at once, so these websites would really come in handy for you so you don't ever forget or miss anything at all.
We've listed 5 of the biggest and most popular websites of these communities so you can explore them one by one and choose which one you'll stay with.
1. Anime Planet
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This website is mainly for anime streaming, great start, huh? And it also serves as a community for anime lovers where they can share their opinion and ratings about a certain series, movie or even characters. Detailed reviews of users regarding your favorite anime can be read as well.
Aside from that, users can make lists of recommendations for certain categories that other members can see and try for their own, something like the most recommended anime movie or most romantic anime series. Those lists can include the titles, and thorough overview from the one who made the list, they write down what they most liked about it.
If you create a list yourself, you can freely share them with other people as well.
There are also challenges that you can join in for fun, like, watching anime challenges where you try to achieve and watch every single title on the list, see and try it if you think you can do them.
2. MyAnimeList
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This is one of the most well known and biggest anime database in the world wide web. It let's you create lists that you can personalize so you can keep track of the series that you are watching (like most of them do), at the same time, leave reviews about it on detail for other members to see. The website also has a very traditional online forum with categories and subcategories which is very easy to navigate. Like other communities, you can engage in conversations openly about a particular series, character, or you can participate in discussions about specific episodes.
Millions of anime enthusiasts around the world gather here not only exchanging opinions, but also making friends here and there.
3. Crunchyroll
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Another large online community when it comes to anime and manga, with staggering 45 million members. And the reason for that is, this website acts as a streaming site for many many of your favorite anime so you can watch them online. You can also read manga and they make sure that they have all the latest chapters uploaded unto their database. An online forum along with it makes it easier for fans to discuss their favorite series by categories, with fan questions answered by a fellow fans. The forum is very easy to use for it is very traditional. There is also a section for latest anime news on the site, so you can see what's going on in the anime world (new movies, new episodes, etc.)
This is one of the most longest running and pioneer of the communities, it has been around the internet for years and years and has grown massive following, and will still grow for the next years to come.
It has a cool feature when you sign up, you can have new episode or chapter updates regarding your favorite manga or anime series, which is great. You will not forget anything anymore even if you're really busy with real life.
4. Reddit r/Anime
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If you're a Redditor, you would know that there a massive subreddit for anime. If you are not or haven't been to reddit before, then you're in for a great treat. Let's just say that this is the main one subreddit for every anime lover, but there are also a lot of other subreddits that you can check, explore and ask questions to.
There also subreddits for specific titles, for example, r/AoNoExorcist, which keeps the topic under that anime only. This website is very informative with lots of credible sources answering your questions as well. Sounds awesome, right? You'll know up to what extent this subreddit can help or what other stuff you can learn if you sign up for it. You can also see discussions with spoilers and non-spoilers.
5. Anilist
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This is the last but not actually the least of our list.
This is almost the same as the other four above, the lists of your favorites, leave reviews and check your progress here and there, but, there is one feature of this website that you would completely like, for sure.
This community also serves as sort of a social media platform for anime fans, yep! You can add friends and socialize with them, you can exchange opinions, you can also keep track of what they are currently watching and if they are done with it. You can see the reviews they leave on whatever they had seen and you can react to their spoiler-free reviews, if ever you agree or not to what they have to say. If you want to watch something but want to check first if its worth the time to actually see it, check the reviews on the title to sort of know what to expect.
You can also learn a lot about an anime's production details, such as the voice actors and actresses, as well as the staff responsible for the creation of it. The ranking and its popularity based on scores graded by users. The website has got nothing to hide from you, so it's great.
There are a lot of communities that you can join if you want to expand your knowledge about which anime titles are the best of best, depending on your type of genre, that is. But you can choose which one you think will help you on your anime watching or manga reading journey. Not only that you can just ahead and keep yourself updated about everything anime related, you can also make friends and that's a great thing when you can have some people that can relate to your interests and talk about everything without fear of judgement (like some people do), just because you love anime. There's absolutely nothing wrong about loving anime, its important that you're having fun and enjoying every second of it.
Once you've checked them all out, which one was your favorite? Can you tell us why in the comment section? Tell us your experience with these online communities. Good luck and have fun.